Monday, February 16, 2009

Zero-emission i MiEV begins testing in New Zealand

Zero-emission i MiEV begins testing in Newen Zealand

Slowly but surely, the i MiEV is making its way out to test fields around the globe. Just months after a smattering of the zero-emission vehicles hit the west coast of America, we're now being told that a new crew of guinea pigs have waltzed into New Zealand. Over a hundred government representatives and key stakeholders were invited to drive Mitsubishi Motors' oddest, greenest vehicle, and of course, to talk business about how this bean could fit into the nation's transportation system. As it stands, Mitsu is still looking to launch the vehicle for consumer use this summer in Japan, though no word was mentioned on when it would arrive Down Under, across the pond or on US soil.

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Friday, April 27, 2007

P Metal

鉑金與K白金的區別鉑金:是一種本身即呈天然白色的貴金屬。鉑金的年開採量僅為黃金的二十分之一,而一盎司的鉑金需從10噸的鉑金礦石中歷經5個月才能提煉出來。國內的鉑金首飾通常含有90%的純鉑金,並被打上“Pt900”的標誌。  白色K金:是黃金加上某些合金後呈現白色。它最多僅含75%的黃金。白色K金不能被打上Pt標誌,只能按其純度打黃金及純度的印記。例如:18K白色K金只能打“18K”、“G750”等印記。  在國際貴金屬市場上,鉑金的價格要遠遠超過黃金,並是所有貴金屬中價格最高的。另外,有的白色首飾亦可能是銀製品或是在其表面鍍有白色金屬,時間久了均有可能露出本來面貌。鉑金雖然有時會被俗稱為白金,但從嚴格意義上來講,它應被稱作“鉑金”,鉑金的英文PLatinum,就是化學元素鉑的意思。所以,鉑金的純度、稀有度、耐用性和它的天然白色光澤都是白色K金所不能比擬的。鉑金與類似金屬的鑒別鉑金硬度4~4.5,相對密度21.45,化學性質穩定,不溶於普通酸類為其鑒定特徵,易與其相似金屬鑒別。  鉛和鋁相對密度遠比鉑金小,鉛為11.36,鋁為2.7,分別約為鉑金的1/2和1/8,只需用手惦試份量就能分辨。  白銀雖為銀白色,但相對密度為10.53,只有鉑金的1/2;而且硬度低,無彈性,因此用指甲輕劃亦可留下痕跡,箔薄片用手輕也易變折,且難於復原;加上白銀的化學性質不穩定,遇硝酸會溶解,並放出二氧化氮氣體。而鉑金不溶於硝酸,在加熱的王水中才能較快溶解,在常溫下其溶解速度極慢,一般肉眼難於察覺。  鉑金是很好的催化劑,利用這一特性,可快速鑒定鉑金。常用雙氧水反應法,具體方法是:取少許待測物粉未,置於盛雙氧水(H2O2)塑膠瓶中,若係鉑金則雙氧水立即翻滾起泡,分解出大量氧氣,反應後的鉑金仍原封不動一,還可回收(它只起加速分解作用);其他白色金屬,如銀、鉛、鋁等則無此反應。鉑金的種類/鉑族金屬純鉑金:最高成色的鉑金。常用於製作訂婚戒指,以表示愛情的純貞和天長地久。在國外,許多人認為用黃金鑲嵌鑽石,可能導致鑽石泛黃,從而大大降低鑽石的價格。而用鉑金鑲嵌鑽石,可以保持鑽石的純白顏色,特別是作訂婚戒指,用鉑金鑲嵌鑽石,既潔白又晶瑩,象徵純潔的愛情永恒長久。然而,儘管鉑金的硬度比黃金高,但鑲嵌鑽石和珠寶仍感不夠,往往需摻入“金”,製成“鉑合金”來鑲嵌鑽石等。  鉑鉑金:銥與鉑組成的合金。顏色亦為銀白色,具強金屬光澤。硬度較高。相對密度亦大,化學性質穩定,是極好的鉑合金首飾材料。  K白金:黃金和其他金屬熔煉而成的白色合金。由於鉑金產出稀少,價格昂貴,加上熔點高,所以一般國家很少用鉑金來生產真正的K白金。目前,為了迎合廣大消費者對鉑金的需求,則選用黃金和鈀金或鎳、銀、銅、鋅等金屬熔煉成一種白色的合金,稱之為“K白金”。K白金的成色與K黃金一樣,捆質量為24,黃金在其中所佔質量的份數,則為“K白金”的K數。如18K白金、14K白金,其中黃金的含量分別為75%和58.5% 。 鉑族金屬  鉑金:由自然鉑、粗鉑礦等礦物熔揀而成。因"鉑"由"金"和"白"兩字組合,顏色又為銀白色,故亦稱"白金"。色澤銀白,金屬光澤,硬度4~4.5,相對密度為21.45。熔點高為1773℃。富延展性,可拉成很細的鉑絲,軋成極薄的鉑箔。化學性質極穩定,不溶於強酸強緘,在空氣中不氧化。廣泛用於珠寶首飾業和化學工業中,用以製造高級化學器皿、鉑金坩鍋以及加速化學反應速度的催化劑等。

鉑 = 白金? - Yahoo!知識+

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Trying out new clothes

How to park

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Finnish Design

Design Forum Finland

In 1958 Alvar Aalto replied to the question 'what is culture?" as follows:

"A requirement is that the concept of culture should not be misunderstood/misused. lt is not an isolated phenomenon,separate from life; there must be no so-called cultural circles/special decorative elements detached from real life, because culture is the warp which runs through all phenomena. Even the smallest daily chore can be humanized and invested with harmony."

the humanization of technology so that it will embrace 'the interests of the small man'.

'To solve problems honestly, in accordance with the values dictated by real life"[1928]

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

On Design

"Great design carries beauty that goes way beyond appearance.
It is time less, nearly flawlessly solving the needs of its
intended problem.

"Understand and analyze the problems;develop possible solutions based
on materials and processes available.

"Easy to use, understand and creates desire.

"Has a ripple effect far beyond,creates new behaviors and affect the way
people live & experience life.

"So innately simple that it leaves people thinking,Why didn't someone think of this

"Good design = Satisfied
"Great design = Original,Unexpected.Delight.

"Design (technology,information,visuals,environment,etc) could create clearer &
more timely communication systems to better inform, update & direct.

"Design will increasingly become less about physical artifacts & more about dynamic interactions between processes, systems, technologies,objects and information that deliver custom experiences tailored to and individual's needs and wants.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Laser vs Plasma cutting

Standard metal cutting processes: laser cutting vs. plasma cuttingLaser manufacturing activities currently include cutting, welding, heat treating, cladding, vapor deposition, engraving, scribing, trimming, annealing, and shock hardening. Laser manufacturing processes compete both technically and economically with conventional and nonconventional manufacturing processes such as mechanical and thermal machining, arc welding, electrochemical, and electric discharge machining (EDM), abrasive water jet cutting, plasma cutting, and flame cutting.Plasma (arc) cutting was developed in the 1950s for cutting of metals that could not be flame cut, such as stainless steel, aluminum and copper. The plasma arc cutting process uses electrically conductive gas to transfer energy from an electrical power source through a plasma cutting torch to the material being cut. The plasma gases include argon, hydrogen, nitrogen and mixtures, plus air and oxygen.Normally, a plasma arc cutting system has a power supply, an arc starting circuit, and a torch. The power source and arc starter circuit are connected to the cutting torch through leads and cables that supply proper gas flow, electrical current flow, and high frequency to the torch to start and maintain the process. The arc and the plasma stream are focused by a very narrow nozzle orificeThe temperature of the plasma arc melts the metal and pierces through the workpiece while the high velocity gas flow removes the molten material from the bottom of the cut, or the kerf. In addition to high energy radiation (Ultraviolet and visible) generated by plasma arc cutting, the intense heat of the arc creates substantial quantities of fumes and smoke from vaporizing metal in the kerf..

Laser cutting vs. plasma cutting - standard metal cutting processes

Blogged with Flock

Saturday, July 08, 2006






Monday, July 03, 2006



Sunday, June 25, 2006

Air Warfare Battlelab

Mission of the Air Warfare Battlelab

The Mission of the Air Warfare Battlelab (AWB) is to rapidly identify and prove the worth of innovative ideas for enhancing the deployability, sustainability, survivability and lethality of contingency Air Expeditionary Forces for Global Engagement. To complete this mission, the AWB focuses on ideas that:

* Reduce deployment response time

* Reduce deployment support structure

* Increase deployed combat capability and effectiveness

After demonstration of an initiative, the AWB makes a recommendation to senior Air Force leaders and the Air Force acquisition community. The recommendations help determine whether or not the Air Force should procure the items, move forward on an idea, or wait for future technology improvements.The AWB can accept ideas from any source. We accept ideas from an airman or sergeant on the flight line, from civilians, and from members of other military services. Contractors interested in gaining an entry point into the AF modernization process can present ideas thorough our Broad Agency Announcement in Fed Biz Ops. Once an idea passes our screening and initial research, we validate and outbrief the concept in about eighteen months. The advantages for both the military and industry are tremendous. For industry, we provide analysis of the idea based on the expertise of subject area specialists and identify potential customers while guaranteeing that all ideas selected for evaluation will be visible to senior Air Force leaders and the acquisition community. Any proprietary information provided to the AWB will be safeguarded. From the military standpoint, ideas worked by the AW Battlelab directly impact the Air Force and joint operations, improve efficiency and effectiveness for the warfighter, and introduce new technologies, tactics, procedures, architecture and/or doctrine into the Air Force.

Ideas submitted to the Air Warfare Battlelab should address improvements within any of the six phases of Aerospace Expeditionary Force operations: readiness, deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment and/or reconstitution. Should an idea fit better in one of the other six Air Force Battlelabs, we will forward it to the appropriate location.

Air Warfare Battlelab

Blogged with Flock

Air Warfare Battlelab

AWB Initiatives

Current Initiatives are fully developed projects that have been approved for funding and execution.

Draft Initiatives are fully developed concepts that have been approved by the Air Warfare Battlelab internal review system and are preparing for approval and funding.

AWB has completed 45 initiatives since its activation in 1997. Completed initiatives have varied levels of "transition" - ranging from no transition to full fielding.

Air Warfare Battlelab

Blogged with Flock

Waterjet cutting for metals

Technology offers high-tech patient monitoring

DOD Transformation

Workers don't need to wear a hazardous material suit to operate the blaster — the only extra equipment needed is aface shield, to protect against sealant residue particles, thick gloves for handling the dry ice and hearing protection.Not much larger than a grain of rice, the dry ice pellets are formed from frozen carbon dioxide. Frozen at minus 109.3 degrees, the dry ice causes material like the sealant to shrink and lose adhesion from the sub-surface, according to the Cold Jet Web site.At the same time, the temperature of the sub-surface causes the dry ice to convert back into carbon dioxide gas or "sublimate." As the dry ice pellets sublimate, only the removed material remains.With the blast pressure adjusted to 3.5 pounds per minute, the dry ice pellets remove only the sealant and don't affect the paint, Long said.

Ice Blaster Saves Time, Money, Manpower - U.S. Department of Defense Transformation News Story

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


【明報專訊】互聯網進入Web 2.0時代,瀏覽器也跟進入了Web 2.0時代。廣 告在全新的互聯網世界,瀏覽器不再單純擔當網頁導航的角色,而是順應潮流加入相片分享、網上書籤和Blog編輯器等Web 2.0服務,今次介紹的Flock就是這樣的軟件。也許因為Internet Explorer稱霸市埸太久,而其他競爭對手又太過墨守成規的緣故,多年來瀏覽器產品無甚重大突破,但當你初次安裝和使用Flock時,會有耳目一新的感覺。Flock是一個專為Web 2.0時代開發的瀏覽器,該軟件除提供流行的分頁瀏覽功能外,還加入相片分享、網上書籤、Blog編輯器和RSS新聞等新功能,用戶可以在單一軟件平台上,享用多項Web 2.0服務。Flock是建基於Mozilla引擎技術的瀏覽器,後者就是Firefox的始創者,強如Microsoft的Internet Explorer亦對它顧忌三分,如今Flock承襲了Firefox傑出的軟件技術,配合自家設計的嶄新Web 2.0功能,令Flock成為殺手級的瀏覽器軟件。功能拖放相片即時分享Flock內置相片分享功能,用戶只需用滑鼠將圖片檔案拖放到瀏覽器,便可即時把相片上傳到電子相簿網站,供朋友或網民欣賞,Flock支援的電子相簿網站包括Flickr和Photobucket。寫Blog話咁易Flock設有Blog編輯工具,用戶可以在毋須登入Blog網站的情下,直接在軟件中寫Blog,而且該軟件亦具有將網頁內容傳送到Blog的支援服務,隨時可以將網上看到的精選文章「據為己有」,寫Blog話咁易。該軟件支援的Blog網站包括WordPress、TypePad、Moveable Type、LiveJournal、Drupal和Blogger。流動書籤分享知識Flock內置支援del.icio.us和Shadows網上書籤網站,你只需預先登記成為上述網站的用戶,即可把自己的書籤上網,方便流動存取之餘,也可跟其他網友分享知識,一舉兩得。RSS新聞掌握資訊現時新興的瀏覽器均已支援RSS功能,Flock當然也不例外,只要你在瀏覽網站時,在網址列的旁邊看到一個橙色的RSS標記,就代表該網頁設有RSS功能,按下標記即可訂閱新聞,往後便能夠直接在瀏覽器的My News頁面裏,觀看即時資訊。擴充套件加強功能Flock支援安裝擴充套件(Extensions)的功能,透過第三方軟件設計者開發各式套件,令Flock能夠無限量地加強功能。現時最受歡迎的擴充套件是「VideoDownloader」,這是一種可以讓你在Youtube和Google Video直接下載視像內容的套件。網址﹕

Flock打破瀏覽器悶局 提供多項Web 2.0功能 - Yahoo! 新聞

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Miniflying machine

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Monday, May 08, 2006

UI Design-JAP

Work at Google

Samsungmobile Web UI Design


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Thursday, April 20, 2006


Air quality is measured by gauges monitored by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), USACE (United States Corps of Engineers) and LDEQ (Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality) at the Plaquemines Parish Debris Grinding Station.

FEMA disaster aid is coordinated with a live video conference. A sophisticated communications system allows federal and state relief agencies to join a multi-governmental agency video conference in Washington, DC. This essential coordination includes FEMA, the US military, Department of State, Public Health Service and other agencies to allocate resources and resolve issues in "real time", even from the most remote disaster locations

FEMA - Photo

The FEMA funded communications center is totally self contained and provides "Communications" and "Tactical Bridge Communications" in areas where needed and can be deployed rapidly.

Heat pumps are being installed in each of the units in the tent city under construction in Long Beach. FEMA is using many forms of temporary housing to help residents displaced by Hurricane Katrina.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


NASA scientists have reached a breakthrough in computer modeling that
allows them to simulate what gravitational waves from merging black
holes look like. The three-dimensional simulations, the largest
astrophysical calculations ever performed on a NASA supercomputer,
provide the foundation to explore the universe in an entirely new

According to Einstein's math, when two massive black holes merge, all
of space jiggles like a bowl of Jell-O as gravitational waves race
out from the collision at light speed.

Previous simulations had been plagued by computer crashes. The
necessary equations, based on Einstein's theory of general
relativity, were far too complex. But scientists at NASA's Goddard
Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., have found a method to
translate Einstein's math in a way that computers can understand.

"These mergers are by far the most powerful events occurring in the
universe, with each one generating more energy than all of the stars
in the universe combined. Now we have realistic simulations to guide
gravitational wave detectors coming online," said Joan Centrella,
head of the Gravitational Astrophysics Laboratory at Goddard.

The simulations were performed on the Columbia supercomputer at NASA's
Ames Research Center near Mountain View, Calif. This work appears in
the March 26 issue of Physical Review Letters and will appear in an
upcoming issue of Physical Review D. The lead author is John Baker of

Similar to ripples on a pond, gravitational waves are ripples in space
and time, a four-dimensional concept that Einstein called spacetime.
They haven't yet been directly detected.

Gravitational waves hardly interact with matter and thus can penetrate
the dust and gas that blocks our view of black holes and other
objects. They offer a new window to explore the universe and provide
a precise test for Einstein's theory of general relativity. The
National Science Foundation's ground-based Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-Wave Observatory and the proposed Laser Interferometer
Space Antenna, a joint NASA - European Space Agency project, hope to
detect these subtle waves, which would alter the shape of a human
from head to toe by far less than the width of an atom.

Black hole mergers produce copious gravitational waves, sometimes for
years, as the black holes approach each other and collide. Black
holes are regions where gravity is so extreme that nothing, not even
light, can escape their pull. They alter spacetime. Therein lies the
difficulty in creating black hole models: space and time shift,
density becomes infinite and time can come to a standstill. Such
variables cause computer simulations to crash.

These massive, colliding objects produce gravitational waves of
differing wavelengths and strengths, depending on the masses
involved. The Goddard team has perfected the simulation of merging,
equal-mass, non-spinning black holes starting at various positions
corresponding to the last two to five orbits before their merger.

With each simulation run, regardless of the starting point, the black
holes orbited stably and produced identical waveforms during the
collision and its aftermath. This unprecedented combination of
stability and reproducibility assured the scientists that the
simulations were true to Einstein's equations. The team has since
moved on to simulating mergers of non-equal-mass black holes.

Einstein's theory of general relativity employs a type of mathematics
called tensor calculus, which cannot easily be turned into computer
instructions. The equations need to be translated, which greatly
expands them. The simplest tensor calculus equations require
thousands of lines of computer code. The expansions, called
formulations, can be written in many ways. Through mathematical
intuition, the Goddard team found the appropriate formulations that
led to suitable simulations.

Progress also has been made independently by several groups, including
researchers at the Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy at the
University of Texas, Brownsville, which is supported by the NASA
Minority University Research and Education Program.

Ranked the fourth fastest supercomputer in the world on the November 2005 Top500 list, Columbia has increased the NASA’s total high-end computing, storage, and network capacity tenfold. This has enabled advances in science not previously possible on NASA’s high-end systems. It sits at the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Facility at the Ames Research Facility. It consists of a 10,240-processor SGI Altix system comprised of 20 nodes, each with 512 Intel Itanium 2 processors, and running a Linux operating system.

Monday, April 17, 2006


Joel Kong

Coalesce focuses on the increasing number of couples who have children later in their lives to pursue careers. The solution proposes a vehicle that separates into two modules, allowing each of the couple to travel at the same time to different locations. The modules dock together when travelling to the same destination, giving Coalesce a 'romantic' element too. A key feature is the ability of the interior space to open up, allowing the physical interaction of the couple whilst traveling docked together. The form and the asymmetrical graphical break-up of the surfaces are symbolic of how two unique individuals are able to coalesce – to come together.

Interaction Experiments

Virtual Water Tank

Material-Metal-ALUSIC (Aluminum AS7G-Silicium- Carbide)

Aluminium-lithium alloys are a new advanced material which is lighter than other alloys because of its low density. “As an example, every one per cent of lithium in the alloy reduces the density by three per cent,” says Phillip Morton, Director Marketing Communication for Alcoa.

Aluminium-lithium also makes the product stiffer with a higher modulus of elasticity, which makes it particularly suited to aeronautics. In addition, it is fatigue crack resistant, presents more resistance to corrosion and reduces the need for maintenance. “It is ideal for a structure such as the floor of the A380,” says Phillip Morton.

Alcoa is now involved in a research and development initiative to reduce even further the weight of the alloy and improve its qualities for the new A350.

“This is part of our integrated effort to reduce the weight and cost of advanced aerospace metallics,” explains Phillip Morton. “We have also added a third objective, whichic is to improve the maintainability of our product.”


ALUMINIUM-LITHIUM ALLOY This alloy, normally only used in the aviation industry (most notably the new AIRBUS A 380), is made of lithium, aluminum, titanium, zirconium, chrome-silicium, zinc and manganese. Lithium within the alloy provides improved resistance and elastic modulus among other characteristics, but paradoxically it also reduces density. In fact, the density of this exceptional material is 2.6 while titanium is 4.9. Aluminum-Lithium was also selected from the aluminum alloys because of its high resistance to corrosion.


Aluminum - Lithium Alloys




The assembling of materials, On the simplest watch, we have Kevlar,ceramic and steel.
"When you have a 100% ceramic watch there is no fusion.

The visual impact if just one part of the fusion concept.

The future of fusion will be in the direction of ultra light materials which can be more expensive than platinum.

While the rarity of platinum accounts for its value, the difficulty of working with such materials such as magnesium and aluminium. currently we have woven aluminium.

The enemy for aeroplanes, cars and boats is always weigh.

Ceramic ball bearings.

made out of fiberglass and unidirectional carbon using a contemporary manufacturing technique called bladder molding.

Architecture-The Millau Viaduct

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Architecture-The Millau Viaduct